Youth Birthday Lock-in

05/03/2024 | Hello Parents!
We can't wait to see your youth at the May 3rd and 4th, 2024 lock-in!
Please drop off youth at the church no earlier than 6:00 PM on Friday, May 3rd. We will serve dinner and leave for the Family Fun Center in Renton by 6:30 PM. Optional: You may wish to send your youth with some money for snacks at the Family Fun Center.
After one game of mini-golf, we'll come back to the church for a movie, games and other activities.
Breakfast will be served at 8:30 AM on Saturday and pick-up is at 2:00 PM.

*** If your youth cannot be at the church by 6:00 PM but wants to attend, please contact LJ Martin no later than Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at so we can find the best way for your youth to join the fun! Parents can make arrangements to connect with with group at the Family Fun Center if needed.

COST: $25 per person
This helps offset the cost of bowling and food for the event.
Don't let the cost prevent youth from participating. Scholarships are available.
Email for more information.
Participant Information

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Health Information

Participants taking prescription or over-the-counter medication/supplements during the May Lock-in
Medication or supplements must be in the original bottle with the participants name clearly indicated. Bottles must be turned into a youth leader upon arrival at the lock-in, where they will be kept secure until needed. Emergency life-saving medication such as Epi-Pens or insulin may be kept by the participant.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Emergency Contact Information

Participation Covenant

As a participant at the May 3rd and 4th, 2024 Lock-in, I agree to honor the following covenant:
* I will use kindness and respect with other youth and adult leaders.
* I will show respect for the buildings, spaces, and places we visit.
* I will not touch anything that isn't mine without receiving clear, verbal permission first.
* I will fully participate in all activities with enthusiasm and a positive attitude.
* I will always use appropriate language.
* I will not go anywhere by myself. I will always travel in a group of at least three people.
* I will not fight, whine, rough house or engage in other negative and unsafe behavior.
* I will not bring drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, knives, firearms, other weapons, matches, lighters or other items prohibited for minors.

If I fail to honor this covenant, I understand consequences may include being sent home at the discretion of the adult leaders. In extreme cases, I may not be allowed to participate in future lock-in events at FCUMC.

By typing my name below, I agree to honor this covenant.

Consent for Participation and Emergency Care

By typing my name in the space below, I hereby give consent to my/my child's participation in the January 26-27, 2024 Lock-in at Fairwood Community UMC.
This includes travel to and from Tech City Bowl in Kirkland, WA, games, activities and meals served at the church.
I understand that in the event of a medical emergency, every effort will be made to notify me and the emergency contacts listed on the current Youth and Children's Ministry Registration Form. In the event parent/guardians cannot be reached, I hereby give permission to the FCUMC youth leadership to contact a properly certified medical provider in accordance with the conditions described on the registration form. 
I shall not hold FCUMC or any of its officers or agents liable for any risk or injury in accordance with the conditions described on the registration form. 
This is a legally binding agreement that I have read and understood.


Hello Parents!
We can't wait to see your youth at the May 3rd and 4th, 2024 lock-in!
Please drop off youth at the church no earlier than 6:00 PM on Friday, May 3rd. We will serve dinner and leave for the Family Fun Center in Renton by 6:30 PM. Optional: You may wish to send your youth with some money for snacks at the Family Fun Center.
After one game of mini-golf, we'll come back to the church for a movie, games and other activities.
Breakfast will be served at 8:30 AM on Saturday and pick-up is at 2:00 PM.

*** If your youth cannot be at the church by 6:00 PM but wants to attend, please contact LJ Martin no later than Wednesday, May 1, 2024 at so we can find the best way for your youth to join the fun! Parents can make arrangements to connect with with group at the Family Fun Center if needed.

COST: $25 per person
This helps offset the cost of bowling and food for the event.
Don't let the cost prevent youth from participating. Scholarships are available.
Email for more information.